What kind of challenge do you experience?
If yes, how do you cope with this?
If yes, what products and why? If no, why not?
What do you think are the strengths of the products you currently use?
What would you like to improve about these products so that they meet your needs better?
If you could create your ideal supplement, what properties and effects would this product have?
Why does this have your preference?
What flavor would this product have and why?
Which color(s) do you feel most comfortable with when your challenge arises and why?
Are there specific features of the packaging that you find important? (For example, portability, durability, etc.)
What type of packaging do you prefer? (Think of shapes, materials, etc.).
The ODED development and innovation team would like to ask additional questions about your input in the future. May we contact you? If yes, please leave your e-mail.